As the economy keep on deteriorating, I have decided to contribute my thoughts about the concept of bootstrapping* for startups.
For the past week and a half I have been working on my new startup from a coffee shop next to my apartment, we are currently looking for an office space.
I was starting to ponder, what is the best working environment for a bootstrapping startup.
Personally I can't work from home, I think it is important to separate my work environment and my living environment.
(usually my dates hate it when I stare at my laptop during joint activities, I try to explain that I just thought of a fix to the bug I have been working on all day, but oddly, they don't get it).
Working from a coffee shop (As I am doing now) is nice, although it makes you think if the cheap office space justifies the constant distractions (Music, not what you think :)
Anyway, not for me also, I double my efficiency when working in an office, and I can always work on my social life after work.
What's left is renting an office space, for 3-4 employees all you need is a one room office with a small kitchen, that is not expensive at all, and you save on the coffee place expensive food and the extra calories.
There is the option for a few small companies to rent offices together, with a shared conference room and a shared kitchen, other resources can be shared too and cooperation is always good.
Just remember, getting an office space in the top floor of the Akershtain building is nice but at what cost?
Remember, as a good friend of mine said not long ago "those companies that were built from a bootstrapping model will have what it takes to survive".
I would love to hear your thoughts about the issue.
And keep on bootstrapping, it can save our startups industry.
* A bootstrapper is someone who uses his own time, money and resources to get a business launched...